New prices

New prices

Price adjustment for our services as of January 1, 2024


New prices for standard services and additional services

As of January 1, 2024, we adjust the prices for our standard and additional services. The increase is based on the estimated cost and market development in the coming year.

More information about the price adjustments will be published here on an ongoing basis.

Standard price lists for Bring Courier & Express A/S are available in Danish on our Danish website. If you have a discount agreement, you get a discount on the standard prices. If you have a special price agreement, you will be contacted by your contact person at Bring about the new prices.


Regular price lists and contract prices for Bring Parcel's services:

ServicePrice adjustment
Parcels and pallets to companies7,5 %
Parcels to consumers7,5 %

Prices are rounded up to the nearest whole crown (alt 1 decimal in EUR).


Bring Parcel's additional services and surcharges have a differentiated adjustment and do not follow a specific percentage.

ServicePrice adjustment
Home Delivery (of heavier goods)4.9 %


Valid from 01/01/2024 subject to change.

Additional services and other fees


If you have questions and/or want more information, contact Customer service or your nearest contact at Bring.