About Bring

About Bring

Read more about Bring

Our Global network

Bring solves everyday logistics for small and large companies in the Nordic region. With us you get help with everything from e-commerce to medical transport. We handle parcels, courier, mail and cargo. We can store your goods and have experience with temperateture-controlled foodstuffs logistics. We can install the ordered washing machine for your customers, carry the newly purchased couch in and mount it.

The Nordic region is Bring's home. In Sweden we have a strong presence and good delivery capacity to you or directly to your customers. From our Nordic base, we can help you with your logistics to and from the wider world, regardless of type of transport. At Bring we are about 6000 employees working to provide good service for your company, based on these clear values; honesty, courage, openness, cooperation and respect.


Bring strives to be a leader in environmental solutions in our industry. Large parts of our company is certified within environment and quality according to the standards ISO 14001 and ISO 9,001th.

The sustainability perspective is integrated into everything we do and we work constantly to improve us via:

  • Focus on vehicles running on biogas, biodiesel and electricity
  • Carbon dioxide free distribution in city centers
  • Alternative transport solutions such as trains, where possible
  • Reducing our energy consumption, especially in energy-intensive businesses such as cold storage facilities

Ethical guidelines

Our ethical guidelines are based on the group's values, and form a norm for what is considered good and responsible conduct.

Our ethical guidelines form a norm for good and responsible conduct, and apply to all employees in the group. They describe our culture and the interaction with each other and the environment.

The group must be characterized by a high ethical standard and an open corporate culture. Ethical dilemmas in the workplace are encouraged to be discussed.

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